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Purple And Grey
2023-04-15, 6:07 p.m.

I stopped at the dry cleaners earlier and saw a purple bird in the wooded area across from the cleaners.

I'm not sure why I looked in that direction but that color caught my eye. I know nothing about birds but my first thought was “Oh, look someone's pet must have escaped.”

I did a Google search and I think it may have been a Purple Martin.

There's a slight mist falling and there's a chill in the air.

I drove down by the marina to kill some time and look out across the water.

Fran loved to be by the water but I don't know exactly how it made her feel.

What was its magic?

Where did it transport her?

I wished I asked her those questions and a thousand more.

On one of our last outings by the water, I took some great pics of her smiling ear to ear.

They still hang on my wall and cheer me up when I'm sad.

The fog was thick at the marina and there was nothing to see but locals fishing and couples holding hands.

Maybe that love I saw will be enough to brighten this grey day.

Last Five

One Year Later - 2023-05-11
American Oyster Catcher - 2023-05-07
Adventures Of Abbey - 2023-05-04
Hope - 2023-05-03
The Cigarette - 2023-04-25

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