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American Oyster Catcher
2023-05-07, 6:40 a.m.

An American Oyster Catcher was outside my window quacking away. We are about 1.2 miles from the shore so I guess he's migrating by taking the train! Lol

I can hear the conductor yell, TICKET!

Oyster Catcher- How much?

Conductor- 10 bucks

Oyster Catcher- put it on my bill.


Then maybe the conductor says ok funny guy now it's 20 bucks!

Oyster Catcher- these prices are for the birds!


Last Five

Reborn - 2023-05-25
Fight To The Death - 2023-05-16
Run Away Emotions - 2023-05-12
Mongol Hordes - 2023-05-12
One Year Later - 2023-05-11

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