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Mongol Hordes
2023-05-12, 5:40 a.m.

Abbey sat next to me at our memorial dinner and my other six grandchildren were seated in line after her. Yes, it must have looked like the Mongol hordes were ready to pillage and plunder.

No code reds were given! Yes, you heard me there were no lives lost during this dinner.

(Yes, I know Mongol hordes and code reds are not related but just go with it.)

Abbey seemed so grown when she picked up the menu and started reading prices.

I almost fell on the floor when she said, “These prices are so expensive!”

Yeah, that was pretty funny but the sad part was when we were at Fran’s grave and we talked about what it all meant.

She voiced her sadness to me and how all this almost made her cry.

Abbey, you are a wise and intelligent young lady and I'm 100 percent sure you will accomplish all you set out to do in life.

Love Grandpa (aka Jimbo)

Last Five

Volunteer - 2023-06-03
Perception Of Self - 2023-06-02
Reborn - 2023-05-25
Fight To The Death - 2023-05-16
Run Away Emotions - 2023-05-12

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