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2023-05-03, 8:36 a.m.

Next week will make one year since Fran has been gone. The kids and I will be meeting up on the eleventh and having a little memorial then going out to eat.

There are still many days I wished that I died too but I'm getting better.

On Dland many people talk about their hardships and how they push through each day. It's inspirational and educational to see others fight the good fight.

Yes, they have hope which in turn gives me hope.

There is much pain on Diaryland but there are those of you who talk about happy things too.

It helps to read about new jobs, marriages, and babies because it's all so exciting. New beginnings mean there's hope.

Hope for a better tomorrow.

Last Five

Run Away Emotions - 2023-05-12
Mongol Hordes - 2023-05-12
One Year Later - 2023-05-11
American Oyster Catcher - 2023-05-07
Adventures Of Abbey - 2023-05-04

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