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Wellness Check
2022-08-08, 9:35 a.m.

It's kind of easy just to “hibernate in my cave” so to speak. I was very much doing my own thing well before the pandemic hit.

Then of course, as many of you know “Fran” passed and everything has been turned upside down. Now more than ever I'm forced out of my comfort zone and deal with people. Some of the encounters have been rewarding but others not so much.

Today, I did a “ Wellness Check” on a co-worker named “Vinny” who has been missing for three days. The last message I got was something like “nice knowing you.”

So I finally worked up the courage to drive over to his house and banged on the door.

He opened the door and said, “what do you want?”

I said, “I was worried about you so I came over here to check on you.”

He said,” I'm fine, and closed the door in my face.”

Yep, fun times this “leaving my cave.”

I did my good deed for the day so “God” help the rest of the people who cross my path.

Last Five

Courage - 2022-08-20
Friday’s Food - 2022-08-19
Voicemail - 2022-08-18
A World To Explore - 2022-08-09
Dinner on Main St - 2022-08-08

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