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The Boner From Beyond.
2021-01-31, 12:22 a.m.

It gets boring in the middle of the night and sometimes conversation’s go sideways quickly.

Betty- if Josh comes to my funeral please punch him in the face.

Me- No problem, is that it?

Betty- Yes, but this is my death wish so you have to promise it's very important.

Me- Ok, I have a death wish as well that you need to promise will be done.

Betty- Sure, what is it?

Me- I asked Erica to come to my funeral in a red dress and no panties. If she doesn't show then I guess you will have to take her place.

Betty- ahhhhhh,,,, not going happen buddy.

Me- That's fine you brought up Josh and your death wish so I brought up mine.

Betty- Besides,,, I look horrible in red,, and no one goes to a funeral in red.

Me- It was a funny death wish I had with Erica, you’ve never heard of the “Lady In Red”?

Betty- I googled it and still don't get it.

Me- Ok, how's this for imagery, a boner rising out of a grave.

Betty- I'm so confused.

Me- My fault I should have made up a more boring death wish.

Last Five

The Mission. - 2021-03-07
Love - 2021-03-04
Trust Your Gut - 2021-02-28
Do Some Good. - 2021-02-23
Dream - 2021-02-15

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