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November Update
2023-11-12, 2:39 p.m.

It's always been hard to decide what I wanted this page to be but now that feeling is a hundred times worse.

Life in a way feels very middle schoolish right now and not much to write about. Yes, of course, there is stuff to address but that's more the emotional drama I create for myself.

The only thing I will volunteer as far as emotions go is it feels more lonely now than ever before. Surrounded by people and still lonely I guess there is no way to please me lol.

March of next year will mark one year at my new job and I'm feeling the need for another trip. It's five hours to my oldest daughter's house and another five to Toronto she tells me. ( fact-checked it’s only 8 hours and 48 minutes 517 miles I guess that’s close enough lol)

Yeah, so maybe a stop at my daughters and then onward to Canada that seems doable.

My off time keeps accruing so I need to plan something to kill some days.

Who the fuck would have thought I would be worried that I have too many days off to take! Sure as hell not me!

Yeah, Jimbo is alive and kicking and still living mostly in his head.

Hopefully, one day soon I will get out there in life and live!

( To Pete hey bud thanks for the note! I’m never really gone from here. I’m just trying to figure out how to navigate life.)

Last Five

Back To Work - 2024-03-27
Togetherness - 2023-12-03
Morning Mystery - 2023-12-03
Eight And Counting - 2023-11-29
Sunset - 2023-11-24

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