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Eight And Counting
2023-11-29, 12:58 a.m.

Sometimes I think back to burning my old job and I shake my head in disbelief. Yeah, it’s a shame I had to leave like that but they kind of left me no choice.

I deleted all of my contacts from my old job except for one. I have ghosted all of them no sense picking up the phone now and chatting.

All my eggs are in this basket,,, if I fail,,, there’s no going back.

My new job just decorated for Christmas it feels festive maybe they should broadcast Christmas songs too! ( I’m joking)

People still die here,,, we need decorum people!!! There can be no holiday songs broadcast in the operating room!! lol

On the home front, Abbey the granddaughter I have mentioned a lot here in the past is in second grade. She is doing well and has lots of friends.

I was informed yesterday that Abby's mom is pregnant again. That will be my 8th grandchild,,, I think,,, who knows I lost count myself.

Last Five

Six Days - 2024-03-31
3/29/24 - 2024-03-29
Back To Work - 2024-03-27
Togetherness - 2023-12-03
Morning Mystery - 2023-12-03

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