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Six Days
2024-03-31, 11:17 p.m.

It's been six days since I've seen Maria’s face but tonight I finally saw her. The small knot in my stomach finally calmed as she passed my work area.

There was only a brief millisecond when our eyes locked and I wasn't sure how this would all play out.

She is not impulsive I am.

Her demeanor most of the time is very controlled. There were times I wondered if she even had a heart.

Maybe she thought I would jump up and take back the things I said but I didn't.

I needed her to pass me to prove to myself that I made the right decision and I don't need her anymore.

I wanted that image of her walking away to use as mental fuel.

Six days and I didn't cave I'm proud of myself.

Eventually, it will be six months.

Then in time, it will be Maria who?

Last Five

Sarah - 2024-04-18
4/14/24 - 2024-04-14
Games - 2024-04-04
Work Is For Work - 2024-04-04
Church Girl - 2024-04-02

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