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The Park Bench And The Preacher
2023-09-20, 5:37 p.m.

Sometimes just by sheer ignorance and accident, I find myself in situations that are not part of my normal day.

At 1130 a.m. after I worked all night and then volunteered for two hours I found myself on a bench in front of the hospital.

Why? Mostly because hot barista girl
flagged me down and secondly because DUH, MAYBE I'M DREAMING!!! all I know is my car is parked 10 feet from this godforsaken bench! ( jeez, do I have to draw you a picture?)

Before you can say restraining order the conversation changed from partying to her strained marriage. With no pornhub moment in my future, I switched from pickup lines to preacher.

1130 a.m on a bench with a hot barista and I'm fucking playing marriage counselor and social worker. Yeah, not the kind of entry I thought I might be sending out to the internet but fuck it! I thought it was worth a chuckle.

Last Five

Morning Mystery - 2023-12-03
Eight And Counting - 2023-11-29
Sunset - 2023-11-24
November Update - 2023-11-12
Sour Sally - 2023-10-14

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