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Cue The Tears
2023-01-19, 4:32 p.m.

Somedays when I'm feeling sorry for myself my granddaughter Abbey will cheer me up when I least expect it.

Yesterday, Abbey came into my room as she has done countless times before.

I said, “what's up Ab?”

I was working on a sketch while the TV watched me with the volume muted. She didn't answer me but I saw her smiling scanning all the corners of my room for prizes she might claim as her own.

She thought I was distracted so I put my sketchbook down and said “Ab what did you just put in your pocket?”

Her smile grew larger as she exclaimed, “I didn't take anything!”

With a serious face but jokingly I said show me what you took as she started to make her way to the door.

Her little hand opened and I saw she had a tube of acrylic paint that was laying on my nightstand.

Abbey, you can't have that I'm sorry but I will bring you some markers tomorrow if you want.

She agreed and gave me back the tube of acrylic and then picked up my sketchbook.

Abbey paged through the sketches and asked? “Who did all these drawings?”

“It's my book I did all the drawings I explained.”

Abbey then seemed impressed as she told me they were good.

Luckily, first graders are easily impressed by amateurish sketches. Lol

Then she picked up one of my pencils and told me to close my eyes.

Abbbbbbey please don't write on my sketches I protested.

“I won't she said, just close your eyes.”

I nervously closed my eyes and after a few moments, she told me I could open them.

On a fresh page in my sketchbook was a giant heart with the words “I love you.”

“Do you like it? She asked

I told her I loved it but I already knew that.

Then her next words kind of broke my heart and touched me at the same time.

She said,” I did that for you so when I get old and I'm in another house you can remember me.”

Cue the tears,,

Last Five

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