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2023-03-03, 5:27 p.m.

Well, I finally got an experience with a low talker at my orientation for a new job. She sat next to me as the class started because we chatted in the hallway about both being new. I FUCKING SWEAR I HEARD ONLY PSSpssss pssssd PSssPssssss.,,,for one whole hour.

There really wasn’t anything I could do but smile and nod. She could have been saying what the fuck you smiling at asshole? And I would have smiled and nodded.

In the front row was the lady in red sweatpants.,, long blonde hair,,, tight black top,,, a few arm tattoos exposed under her rolled up sleeves.

New job,,, new opportunities,,, Lol

Now I get to grind out another 12 hours at the taxi company… fun :(

My next day back at the new job isn’t until next week so I will get to sleep tomorrow after I finish here,,, maybe I’ll pass out during the night for a few,,, good thing business is slow.

Last Five

Thoughts - 2023-04-04
The Road - 2023-04-02
The Room - 2023-03-27
June Trip - 2023-03-21
Looking For That Spark - 2023-03-16

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