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The Return Of Reality
2023-07-09, 6:06 a.m.

My first day back to work was Saturday and I may have been there in body but my spirit was still on vacation. Lots of questions about my trip which was expected and what my thoughts on it were.

Many of the people I told knew it was my first time away and seemed curious about how it affected me.

I never really had a set answer for any of them
Other than I didn't want to come back. I didn't have a worry in the world there all I had to do was wake up and enjoy each moment.

Coming back here to the land of responsibility and clothes feels a bit claustrophobic and depressing.

Last Five

Steve Bad Jim Good - 2023-07-22
Reflecting On My Self Worth - 2023-07-21
Flash floods And French Toast - 2023-07-16
My Oldest Daughter - 2023-07-12
Photo Album - 2023-07-09

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