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The Move
2023-07-29, 8:45 a.m.

I finished my shift and raced down to Jazzys house to see her before she left.

Lots of people with boxes milled about as I entered her apartment. As I was still dressed in my blazer and tie I was poorly outfitted for manual labor. I pretended to look on in a supervisory role until Jazzy broke free to make some introductions.

Everyone had sweat pouring from their brows but they seemed friendly as I shook all their hands. They didn't ask any questions about our strained past which was appreciated.

After a few minutes, I hugged Jazzy and told her I loved her then made my exit.

There are a few more bits and pieces to add but why?

All the emotion of this goodbye ended up with me in tears in my car and not a spectacle in her apartment.

I think that was probably the best way of handling it for everyone involved.

The past happened its done,,,

All I can do is hope we have a better future.

Last Five

Working On It - 2023-09-11
Decay In Place - 2023-09-01
Still Learning. - 2023-08-27
Dreams - 2023-08-19
Kafka and the Traveling Doll - 2023-08-05

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