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Looking For That Spark
2023-03-16, 1:49 a.m.

Today, I thought a silly thought about chemistry. I was like it's been a million years I wonder does that even happen when you are attracted to someone?

Dumb, I know,,,

Her name is Jessica and she is a single mom. I met her as I left the cab job because she was lost.

The day she was lost was actually a few weeks ago but I didn't mention it here because there is nothing to tell.

We have messaged back and forth but the messages lack,,,that feeling that spark,,,

Maybe it's a friend zone thing,, she was lost I helped and now she messages cause I helped her.

Today, I saw her again for a few,,,,still no spark,,,

Long dark hair, dark brown eyes,, maybe 5’8? Slim build...

There should be a spark,,, I don't know Lol

I will keep you guys posted.

Last Five

They Come In Three - 2023-04-07
Thoughts - 2023-04-04
The Road - 2023-04-02
The Room - 2023-03-27
June Trip - 2023-03-21

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