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They Come In Three’s
2023-04-07, 7:38 p.m.

Lots of things continue to happen in my life not all of them good. I recently got a speeding ticket that will end up costing me over a thousand dollars. That's six hundred and fifty dollars for my lawyer and I'm estimating another four hundred in fines.

One block passed being pulled over for the ticket I caught a flat. I ran over a large aluminum shank and I glided into a gas station. I had the guy patch it which only cost twenty bucks because I wasn't in the mood to pay over three hundred bucks for a tire.

Then yesterday at the part-time job I had this coworker tell me fuck you. Let me clarify that he never actually said those words but our interaction was strained. Yeah, I guess the kid gloves are off and people are beginning to show their true colors to the new guy.

That's fine I never expected everyone to be nice forever.

Last Five

Hope - 2023-05-03
The Cigarette - 2023-04-25
Purple And Grey - 2023-04-15
Just Call Me Bat-man - 2023-04-15
Jello - 2023-04-13

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