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Late Night Dip
2023-07-03, 11:46 p.m.

After a long hot journey to the beach, a late-night dip in the pool is what the doctor ordered. I slowly walked down the steps and grabbed a pool float and drifted about. The water was still warm from the hot sun that hovered over it all day.

I closed my eyes and heard the coqui frogs singing and the wind rustling through the palm trees. A light rain fell as I drifted and I opened my eyes to look skyward at the moon.

Im going to hate for this to end and head back home.

Last Five

Flash floods And French Toast - 2023-07-16
My Oldest Daughter - 2023-07-12
Photo Album - 2023-07-09
The Return Of Reality - 2023-07-09
Skimming The Clouds - 2023-07-06

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