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Flash floods And French Toast
2023-07-16, 11:19 a.m.

This morning an alert came over my phone of flash flooding in our area. I wasn't going to let a little water stop me from seeing my kid so I left extra early to bypass any dangerous areas.

This meeting wasn't a trainwreck like our previous endeavors but it still felt like work. I know they have two more weeks before they move so I was very conscious about my responses.

If I say “I was very conscious does that mean in the past I was unconscious?”

In one of our old exchanges, she said that my quick retorts come across as uncaring or mean-spirited which never was the case. It always feels like she is still that angry ten-year-old looking to get even with me for breaking up with her mom.

Our breakfast today had some laughs but mostly there were questions. Of course one of mine was if I could visit them at their new place.

Let me clear the doubts in anyone's head they said yes! Lol

They won't be total strangers in their new town because her husband has a cousin up there.

We scheduled a dinner for Wednesday no particular place picked out yet but I want to be somewhere nice. I don't want one of her last memories of me here to be bad.

It just occurred to me that she could still hate me even in a nice place. Well, there is no sense in me worrying about what's beyond my control.

Last Five

Kafka and the Traveling Doll - 2023-08-05
The Move - 2023-07-29
Violence - 2023-07-27
Steve Bad Jim Good - 2023-07-22
Reflecting On My Self Worth - 2023-07-21

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