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Keep It Simple
2022-10-02, 10:59 p.m.

I stopped at 7-11 on the way to work to pick up some drinks for my shift and saw a new guy working the register.

He was maybe 18-19 years old no older than that. As he was ringing up my stuff I said, “Hey, how do you like the new job”?

He said, “it's ok my boss is cool and we get free Slurpees!”

The way he said that part about the Slurpees in Jeff Spicoli's voice made me smile.

That stoner voice was killing me so I said,” yeah, you got it made my friend! “

Then Spicoli air counted and said, “one a day comes out to 365 in a year!”

I grabbed my bag and laughed as I walked out the door. Part of me was jealous that he derived such joy from free Slurpee’s.

Such simplicity, I need to find that in my life.

Last Five

Movie Night - 2022-10-25
Abbey's Birthday Present - 2022-10-21
The Trip - 2022-10-19
Family Adventures - 2022-10-15
Family Dinner - 2022-10-10

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