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Keep Busy
2022-08-22, 4:38 p.m.

I had breakfast at a local diner with Darlene and the girls. Since “change” is big in my book I had a “Bloody Mary” and a “Caeser Salad.”

Darlene and the girls ordered a bunch of stuff but no one finished. They decided to get some boxes and take the rest home. No one here is into wasting food so someone will eat it later on.

Lena is starting kindergarten in a few weeks and will be possibly riding the bus there and home. Darlene is not sure yet if Lena is ready for the bus,,, or maybe it's that Darlene is not ready emotionally to let her do that.

There is talk of maybe me being involved in either dropping her off or picking her up. I have plenty of time on my hands so it's not like I can't get involved if needed.

The second package I sent to Frans's sister hasn't arrived yet but tracking says it's close. Jeez, I mean holy fuck,,, it's been like over 20 days.

I decided to go to a local place that ships to where Frans's sister lives. They said 380 for a large box and 15 to insure it. The money is irrelevant I need to keep busy so I will start packing out stuff tonight.

Last Five

Movie Night - 2022-10-25
Abbey's Birthday Present - 2022-10-21
The Trip - 2022-10-19
Family Adventures - 2022-10-15
Family Dinner - 2022-10-10

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