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Dare To Dream
2023-07-01, 9:34 p.m.

As I take a swig of Moscato at a table in a place by the beach in Puerto Rico I catch a glimpse of my sunburned face. It's a bright red almost the color of my maroon shirt but not painful yet.

My mind isn't thinking about my sunburn or the beach but about something one of my bosses said before I left.

I told her I never realized how little time we have until after my wife passed. I told her I feel pressured to cram as much as I can into my life before it's too late. She told me to visualize what I want to do and pursue that. Anything I want to train to be they will be happy to assist me in any way they can.

It's hard to dream of my future when a year ago I never expected to be where I am now.

Maybe I need a vision board or the very least a bored sexy coworker to get the cobwebs out of my system. :)

Last Five

Photo Album - 2023-07-09
The Return Of Reality - 2023-07-09
Skimming The Clouds - 2023-07-06
Late Night Dip - 2023-07-03
Scorched Scalp - 2023-07-02

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