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Adventures Of Abbey
2023-05-04, 7:10 a.m.

It's been a while since I wrote an entry about Abbey. My granddaughter has been very busy with school and her Roblox addiction. I don't approve of her being online so much but the other kids here play so she wants to fit in.

The other day I was able to convince her to put her tablet down for a few minutes and we went to pick up snacks for school. The ride itself was quick and uneventful but when we went into the store it got a little interesting.

We each grabbed the things on our list then we went up front to pay. I let Abbey stretch and put all our stuff in front of the cashier then I said, “ok, now you got to pay.”

Abbey reached into her pockets and then exclaimed,” But I don't have any money!”

The cashier thought Abbey was so adorable and said, “Your daughter is so cute what's her name?”

I put my hand on the top of Abbey's head and proudly said, “This is my granddaughter Abbey.”

Before the cashier could say anything more Abbey blurted, “I've seen you before but you just don't remember me.”

The cashier put her hand on her chest and still smiling said, “You've seen me here or somewhere else?”

To my surprise, Abbey continued “It was here I was with my mom.”

Awww I'm sorry Abbey I didn't remember you the cashier said regretfully.

Abbey being her cool self said, “No problem it's ok.”

The store started to get busy so I told Abbey to ask for the cashier's name so we can say goodbye.

Abbey still as bold as ever asked,” What's your name?”

Still loving every bit of Abbey the cashier said, “My name is Wendy.”

Abbey and Wendy said, goodbye, and then we made our way home.

Stay tuned for future missions of Abbey and Jimbo Lol

Last Five

Fight To The Death - 2023-05-16
Run Away Emotions - 2023-05-12
Mongol Hordes - 2023-05-12
One Year Later - 2023-05-11
American Oyster Catcher - 2023-05-07

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