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The Message
2022-10-07, 5:46 a.m.

Darlene told me she works in the same area as one of the ladies who denied me early access to the hospital to see Fran.

I said. “0k, maybe you can pass that lady a message for me.”

Darlene- “Sure, what’s the message?”

Me- “Tell her I said, “FUCK YOU!”

She looked at me and we both laughed.

Then she said,” I thought you had a real message you wanted me to tell her.”

Me- That is the real message and then we both laughed again.

Last Five

Movie Night - 2022-10-25
Abbey's Birthday Present - 2022-10-21
The Trip - 2022-10-19
Family Adventures - 2022-10-15
Family Dinner - 2022-10-10

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