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2023-05-25, 8:30 a.m.

Tonight I start as a full-time employee at the new place and I’m nervous but it’s minimal. I’ve been there since the beginning of March so I know most of them already.

A lot of them are studying while on the clock or reading for fun so I will bring a book to fit into the club. People judge others based on many factors and I’m sure my choice of book will speak volumes to them. Lol

Maybe a Dan Brown book will be acceptable to the new crowd. What possible thing could they derive from that?

Jimbo is reborn once again who would have thought I had it in me? Twenty years of my life thrown in the garbage but here I am starting again.

Last Five

Duality - 2023-06-15
Conversation Stopper - 2023-06-10
Wildfires - 2023-06-08
Volunteer - 2023-06-03
Perception Of Self - 2023-06-02

| sex | drugs |